Robin Hood “County Fair” is a :30 second, fully computer animated spot created by Hatch Studios Ltd. for Smuckers Canada, represented by Ogilvy & Mather Canada.
The spot reveals two children named Andrew and Elizabeth explaining how they’ve just won the county fair muffin contest with Robin Hood “Just Like Homemade Muffins”. The prize they brought home pops in at the end for a surprise finale. The sunny afternoon setting fills the kitchen with a warm inviting sunlight and creates a visually engaging commercial that arouses immediate interest in the viewer.
This spot was created with Autodesk’s 3dsmax 9.0, rendered with VRay 1.5 SP2 using modern global illumination lighting technology in combination with traditional computer graphics lighting techniques, composited with Autodesk’s Combustion 2008 and onlined on a Flame.
Directed by Richard Rosenman
Exec. Produced by Randi Yaffa
Producer: Holly Nichols
Modeling: Chris Crozier, Rowan Simpson, Stephane Goulet, Richard Bae
Animation: Kevin Vriesinga, Scott Guppy
TD: Paule Neale, Mathieson Facer, Eric Harvey, Felipe Nogueira
Lighting, Rendering & Compositing: Brad Husband
Produced at Hatch Studios Ltd.