"Summer 1"
Completed August 27, 2007

This is one of four tags recently created for Teletoon Canada at Hatch Studios Ltd.

Each tag features a character transforming from summer and winter sports equipment and performing various related actions. The premise was to encourage kids to be physically active and suggest some activities for doing so.

The tags were quite fun to develop as well as challenging in order to pack as much as possible in only seven seconds. Currently, the tags are on TV and web.

These spots were modeled with Silo and 3dsmax, as well as converted from Maya assets. They were animated with 3dsmax and rendered with VRay 1.5 RC3. They were composited with After Effects.


Directed by Richard Rosenman.
Exec. Produced by Randi Yaffa.
Rigging & dynamics by Chris Crozier.
Modeled by Chris Crozier, Raden Slipicevic, Abdul Ali Mohamud.
Animated by Scott Guppy.
Lit, rendered and composited by Richard Rosenman.
Catering services by Bondi.

Created at Hatch Studios Ltd.