Betty Crocker
"Shrek Snacks"
Completed February 23, 2010
This is a :10 tag produced at Hatch Studios Ltd. for Betty Crocker Canada featuring Shrek Fruit Snack gummies. This project involved Dreamworks due to the Shrek counterpart so not only were approvals received from Betty Crocker, but also from Dreamworks requiring a somewhat lengthy approval process. The background plate was supplied by Dreamworks which was then converted into 3D elements and camera mapped in order to be able to achieve realistic camera work.
Directed by Richard Rosenman
Exec Produced by Randi Yaffa
Produced by Anne Deslaurier
Modeled by Rowan Simpson & Chris Crozier
Animated by Kevin Vriesinga
Lighting, rendering and compositing by Brad Husband
Produced at Hatch Studios Ltd.
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